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  • Writer's pictureVerlence Hunter

Chrissy Metz iconic role in the movie Breakthrough

Updated: Jul 1, 2019

Breakthroughmovie is based on a true story of a tragic incident that happen to John Smith (played by #marcelruiz ) and his family. He drowmed in a lake covered with ice and was pronounced dead in the hospital. His mother Joyce (played by #chrissymetz ) through the power of prayer and faith his pulse started up again. Doctor's gave up on him and said he would not make it through the night. It's a long journey and a test of Faith in God. Will John recover? What decisions were offered to the parents? Powerful and emotional story of Faith. We give this Christian/Drama 🎬 a 🍿🍿🍿 must 👀 🎬 In theaters tomorrow 4/17.

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